Monday, August 9, 2010

I have actual time on my hands!!!!

So, why not blog??? Maddie is at daycare which would have crushed me last week but this week, I'm seeing the beauty of it. I love love LOVE my baby girl but time away is good for both of us ;) I got to spend the morning drinking HOT coffee and playing with the twins. They are both down for a nap so now I can spend some time doing Dunia stuff. We are living out of my bedroom again today. The painters started on Friday which left our house looking like a construction zone all weekend. The house is starting to feel like home and it's so nice to be able to put our personal touch on it. The more things around me come together, the more I am humbled by all the wonderful gifts I've been given. Wonderful husband and partner, beautiful, healthy children and now this amazing house where we can grow. 
I was watching 'My Big Fat Greek Wedding' for the first time since the twins were born last night. I can't help but feel like that movie is the story of my life and I can't believe how much that life has changed. I just hope that as they grow, I can instill in my children the belief that anything is possible, even complete and utter happiness. 

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