Monday, October 4, 2010

Maddie's First Day of Montessori

Well, if there was any doubt before, here's solid proof. My little baby is growing up. Maddie had her first day at Willowbrook Montessori  Preschool. Of course, we took about a million pictures from her eating breakfast to afterward when she proudly showed off her name tag. She's had her unsure moments but she's doing very well. (Standby for gloating) Her teacher even said that she is the most well adjusted girl. Mike and I both shed tears on that first day. I'm sure they won't be the last as the milestones just keep flying at us.  

Sunday, September 5, 2010

....because it makes me laugh so hard.


Kaden and Audrina - 7 Months
Sisters <3
You're reading my blog. You know what's funny? It'd be an effing miracle if I could remember what font I use and what size from one time to the next. I usually just type it out and then change it when I preview it and it doesn't match. Awesome.
Maddie is starting Montessori on Tuesday. 3 hours, 3 times a week. I think she'll love it. I know that there will be a BIG period of adjustment for her. But once she gets the routine down, I think she'll do well. Mike wasn't impressed with their orientation presentation (mostly because they didn't indicate in any way not to bring the children and we went with Madina). We'll see. I'll judge based on how Maddie feels about going, not on her algebra skills or her ability to solve word problems. Tying her shoe lace by the end of the year would be a bonus!
Summer is over and thoughts of returning to work are swirling in my head. I'm actually looking forward to it. I find, like with most periods in my life right now, I want to fast forward and just be in that place where we have a routine going. Kids at daycare, home with Mike on the weekends, me calling home from work to check on them all even though I know everything is ok. I have no patience for the 'getting there' period. 
I turned 32 this summer but still feel 26. I always say that 26 was the last year that I stopped looking back at the prior year and doing a facepalm at the person that I was. But for the first time in my life, I feel old. Not cool. Hopefully, I'll find my my 30's. Ew.
We're quite settled in and loving our home. We've had lots of guests come thru in the past little while and we have a big bash planned in October. Still haven't quite got my groove as far as cleaning and when I do what and how it gets done but I don't care. I'm just enjoying all of the blessings around me and soaking up every moment. Maddie is a constant reminder of how quickly time flies by. I'm gonna hit pause as often as I can.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Just needed to log in quickly so I can start and share a running list of the fun and strange things we have discovered in our new house. Talk about things that make you go hmmmmmm.

1) Kaden's bedroom has a knob that locks. It was their office. The painter just found a key for it on the door frame.

2) On the frame of my bedroom door she found a tiny screwdriver, which I think Mike found about 2 others in various places.

3) A looooong cotton swab like the ones we use in the hospital for sample taking was found on the door frame of the ensuite bathroom. A very tall person with giant ears perhaps??

4) A weird metal pipe on top of all the cabinets and extra shelving for the cabinets. Wouldn't you put them 10 ft in the air where no one would ever think to look for extra shelving???

Monday, August 9, 2010

Just a couple pics of those smiles I love so much!!!

I have actual time on my hands!!!!

So, why not blog??? Maddie is at daycare which would have crushed me last week but this week, I'm seeing the beauty of it. I love love LOVE my baby girl but time away is good for both of us ;) I got to spend the morning drinking HOT coffee and playing with the twins. They are both down for a nap so now I can spend some time doing Dunia stuff. We are living out of my bedroom again today. The painters started on Friday which left our house looking like a construction zone all weekend. The house is starting to feel like home and it's so nice to be able to put our personal touch on it. The more things around me come together, the more I am humbled by all the wonderful gifts I've been given. Wonderful husband and partner, beautiful, healthy children and now this amazing house where we can grow. 
I was watching 'My Big Fat Greek Wedding' for the first time since the twins were born last night. I can't help but feel like that movie is the story of my life and I can't believe how much that life has changed. I just hope that as they grow, I can instill in my children the belief that anything is possible, even complete and utter happiness. 

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Note to Maddie, Audrina and Kaden

I was just thinking about the way a smile spreads across your faces when you first see me in the morning. I don't know what it is that makes you smile, but I hope you look at me like that forever. Mommy loves you.

Friday, August 6, 2010

New house, new beginning!

So we're all moved in. We moved on July 22 and let me tell you, the day was much less than I thought it would be. The house was dirty and their were gouges in the walls from the previous owners. I was in tears as I left a message for our painters. Moving day had been ruined. 
I can't write much right now (the painters are here as we speak!!) but something happened that put all of this into perspective. A friend of mine at work told me that her house burnt down, right to the ground. Nothing can be salvaged. It happened at 2:30 am, her family just barely out the door before the entire house was engulfed. Her children have post traumatic stress, they can't sleep at night and need counselling. It broke my heart. Here I was complaining about a few dings in the wall and they had lost everything. Obviously, I'll be doing what I can to help them out but this will always stick in my head as a reminder to recognize all that I have been blessed with. In Maddie's words, this house is 'just perfect'. It's being surrounded by Mike and my babies; that's home.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

So it turns out....

...that I suck at blogging. My life is ridiculously busy right now. Just got back from 2 crazy weeks in Ontario and never wanted to stay more than I ever did after this visit. Moving in 10 days and packing the house myself. I'm pretty much done but it's still overwhelming. Will do a mega post once I'm settled. 


Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Forever Grateful

I'm learning from another friend's pain about what a gift it is to have a child. Even though time spent with one of her children was cut short, she doesn't dwell on his death but rejoices in the time that she was able to have with him.
I'm watching a documentary about disabled infants. I know, it feels weird to type it too. But parents are talking about making a decision to try to feed their infant baby or just give her comfort measures and let her pass. I can't imagine ever having to make that choice or even be in that position. I've been so ridiculously spoiled with 3 healthy, beautiful children. 
Today was a rough day with Mike gone and taking care of the 3 on my own. But it's nothing compared to what some parents go through. I'm going to make a conscious effort tomorrow not to whine, complain, raise my voice, and so on. I'm going to love, nuture, play and enjoy. Because while I was given this amazing gift....I too can have it taken away. a hole in the head.

Seriously. As if I need one more thing to complicate my life. Living 3000 + km from everything I know, going from 0 to married in 30 seconds and now.....3 KIDS! As if I needed this. Well, I do. And I'm going to try to commit to it, despite my commitment issues. 
I need a place to document the funny things M says. I need to record the various twin milestones (because M's scrapbook turned out so darn well ;p) I need to lay down the bits and bites that make our family who they are. Most of all, I want a place that my children can look to one day and understand why. Why I stand in their bedroom door and watch them breathe while they sleep, why I inhale deeply whenever I kiss them (and why one kiss is never enough) and why our life is what it is. We don't know where the path will take us, but it's always great to look back upon the roads that got us there. This will be our map.